Friends World Committee for Consultation–New England

The FWCC committee of NEYM is interested in organizing speakers to speak about FWCC and Friends worldwide to Quaker meetings and communities throughout New England. We are developing a speakers bureau and would love to work with you to bring one of our speakers to your adult education programs, first day schools, and community events. Please be in touch with the FWCC committee clerk for more details.


Friends World Committee for Consultation–New England (FWCC–NE) encourages fellowship among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends, connecting Friends, crossing cultures, and changing lives. FWCC–NE brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communication and consultation, to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world. The NEYM FWCC Committee represents NEYM in the work of the international Friends World Committee for Consultation, and promotes and interprets FWCC’s work within the Yearly Meeting. FWCC–NE facilitates visits within New England of Friends from other parts of the world, including cooperating with Puente de Amigos.

The international FWCC is a consultative body made up of yearly meetings and other Quaker bodies across the globe, and represents Friends’ concerns at the United Nations, with offices in New York (administered by American Friends Service Committee) and Geneva. The international FWCC also consults with affiliated programs such as Friends Peace Teams, Right Sharing of World Resources, and Friends Committee on Scouting.


Friends World Committee for Consultation–New England (FWCC–NE) encourages fellowship among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends, connecting Friends, crossing cultures, and changing lives. FWCC–NE brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communication and consultation, to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world. The NEYM FWCC Committee represents NEYM in the work of the international Friends World Committee for Consultation, and promotes and interprets FWCC’s work within the Yearly Meeting. FWCC–NE facilitates visits within New England of Friends from other parts of the world, including cooperating with Puente de Amigos.

The international FWCC is a consultative body made up of yearly meetings and other Quaker bodies across the globe, and represents Friends’ concerns at the United Nations, with offices in New York (administered by American Friends Service Committee) and Geneva. The international FWCC also consults with affiliated programs such as Friends Peace Teams, Right Sharing of World Resources, and Friends Committee on Scouting.


  • The FWCC–NE committee has 12 members who serve staggered 3-year terms and are named by the Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee and approved by the Yearly Meeting.
  • The committee will co-opt Friends in New England who are also serving in the larger FWCC–NE committee or who have specific skills and gifts the committee requires.
  • The Yearly Meeting Secretary serves ex-officio on the committee.
  • Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee, in consultation with the committee members, names the clerk of the FWCC–NE Committee. This nomination is approved by the Yearly Meeting.
  • The FWCC–NE committee coordinates with and has linkages to the Puente de Amigos Committee.